• Writing

    Are You With the Right Partner?* (* NOW WITH MORE T-REX)

    Original story discovered here: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=656437111052603&set=a.560340610662254.23312430.554481657914816 And now, with more T-Rex… — During a seminar, a woman asked, “How do I know if I am with the right person?” The author then noticed that there was a large man sitting next to…

  • Poetry,  Writing

    Has Daddy Had His Coffee Today?

    It’s sunny outside! It’s time to play! But has daddy had his coffee today? The park is filled with fun, I bet! But has daddy had his coffee yet? Maybe we’ll find the funnest spot! But is coffee brewing in…

  • Flash Fiction,  Writing

    The Story of Remembrance Day

    A lot of Canadians have misconceptions on what Remembrance Day really is. Some of our young people even refuse to wear the red poppy, saying that it’s associated with war. Instead, they wear a white poppy with the word “peace”…

  • Accolades

    Notable Awesomologist

    I was interviewed recently by Matt Posner for the School of the Ages blog. Check it out! http://schooloftheages.webs.com/apps/blog/show/34609815-author-interview-awesomologist-matthew-dean