
  • Poetry,  Writing


    Today as I was standing in line at Starbucks, About to order an eggnog latte. A man in a motorized wheelchair Came up behind me. I realized I was wearing a pedometer And I felt weird.

  • Flash Fiction,  Writing

    She Loved Waffles

    She loved waffles. She was a waffle-lover. She would dream of them while she slept and while she was awake; their golden crispy edges dancing tantalizingly, their little grids of waffle-bumps repeating infinitely, their alluring scent drifting through the air,…

  • Poetry,  Writing

    Ode to Silly Putty

    O glorious, globous goo, You don’t know how much I love you. Pinkish substance, stretching mass, Imprint yourself upon my mind. You are quite silly, O Silly Putty. You stay with me through clean and muddy. Show me backwards newspaper…